Posterior Pelvic Tilt – Strength (Part 3)

Strengthen optimising to correct a posterior pelvic tilt Optimal human functioning and performance is often finding the right combination between length and strength of various parts of the body. When it comes to strengthening, it is best when we have already performed the mobility and rolling work. This strengthening work locks the new shift away […]

Posterior Pelvic Tilt – Stretching (Part 2)

Stretching and rolling your way out of a posterior pelvic tilt A foam roller has two big purposes, the first is as a form of self massage to reduce muscle tension and alleviate tension through hard working muscles. The second and what I believe is more important is how using a foam roller can neurologically […]

Posterior Pelvic Tilt – Mobilise (Part 1)

Carving out 5- 10 minutes each day for deliberate mobility practice can absolutely help reprogram body movement patterns, muscle and nerve tension. Mobility helps to change body postures and positions, especially those that we get stuck in too easily throughout each and every day.   These 4 mobilising drills are a great step in changing […]

Posterior Pelvic Tilt

Unfortunately a problem of the modern lifestyle many of us are living is that we sit for too long. It’s been said that at the speed that technology is advancing, posture is declining. This can and does come at a huge cost to our health and well-being. One of the most common and notable postural […]

Lower Back Tension & Sciatica

Mobility, a fantastic way to free low back pain and unlock tension. Here’s 4 ESSENTIAL MOVEMENTS for loosening and opening up the lower back. We love helping to LIBERATE MOVEMENT and optimise well being. 4 Movements to help with Low Back Pain and Sciatica Hip lateral rolls (0:32) Rocking knees towards chest (1:18) Rocking towards […]

Back To School

It is hard to know who is the most excited. Students, parents or teachers? Either way as the end of January rolls around it often spells a time of change for families as the school bell is soon to toll. So how can we best prepare our kids for the journey ahead?  At Transitions Chiropractic […]

Kids and Chiropractic

Kids. Chiropractic. Possibility. One of my favourite things about being a chiropractor is the fact that I get to help create and shape tiny little super humans. The ability to check children, to help to remove any interference to their nervous system, to enhance their mobility and to optimise their ability to thrive is a […]

90 Days

90 Days Can Massively Change Your Life….. We’ve talked about it before. We can change our habits in about 21 days.  I have even wrote a 30 day postural challenge. Taking you step by step one day at a time, walking you through how to change your posture in 30 days. However, there’s one problem, […]

Stress & Chiropractic

Stress- it isn’t all bad….. Argh stress!!! A catch phrase we have all heard a billion times. What exactly is Stress? Based on the original definition from Hans Selye’s book, The Stress of Life, stress can be seen either positive or negative (eustress or distress). Both cause a reaction from your body and it is […]

Foot Strength and Mobility

Foot Strength and Mobility Drills- Part 2 These 3 drills will be fantastic. They are great for anyone with weak ankles, runners and people who feel they need to get their foot strength and mobility back. We believe that a strong and stable body has a strong and stable base. As chiropractors, our primary concern […]