
Welcome to 2017! Another great year for being alive. This year though even more importantly I want to and I want you to actually feel alive… After watching the movie “Wild” with Reece Witherspoon about Cheryl Strayed‘s journey through the Californian wilderness it became apparent that Life is more than just breathing and watching from the sidelines. To steal a line from Shawshank Redemption “get busy living, or get busy dying” personally I choose to get busy Living- it sounds much more fun to me. I do think we have a choice to be our own hero, idol or source of excitement and inspiration.

That’s a pretty lofty statement to start the year and some of you are probably thinking here is another over the top New Years resolution. However, this is something that I think is possible. I am certain I can feel more “alive” this year, hopefully I can help you too.

  • Get adjusted –  I’ll keep getting myself and my family adjusted as I know this helps me get more out of my body and more out of life. To experience life, I want my body at it’s best- Chiropractic helps me, likewise would help you each and every time.
  • Fuel well – finding foods that have the most energy are going to help squeeze extra life into anyone’s day.
  • Unleash yourBig Magic”-  like Elizabeth Gilbert says in her book of the same name we all have an inner creative genius. This is a great year to declare and express yours. I couldn’t win any colouring-in competition, but I believe my creative best is helping people move and feel better. I’m lucky enough to get a big kick out of what I do, it’s what makes me feel alive. What’s your inner superpower?
  • Declare it– whether it is a physical, emotional, attitudinal, financial or even lifestyle goal. Make it known. At minimum to yourself, but ideally to someone that’ll keep you accountable. Having a way to check in and reminding yourself what you are after or what you are chasing this year is a great way to make it happen.

It becomes way to easy for the blender of life to get so jammed packed that the flavours no longer even go together. We are here and happy to help you try help smooth out the ingredients (to unravel the ever growing list of life chores) and to make your blender of life taste even more delicious. Whether it is by adjusting, offering exercise, movement or nutritional advice- we love to help. Likewise we are pretty good at listening too. Some of our clients have had some great changes over the past few months with guys quitting smoking as well as starting at the gym. Checking in with these guys in the office is a great way for us to see their progress as well as seeing what is important to them.

Here is to a great 2017 another fantastic year to be and feel ALIVE…..

Just one final note, new for 2017- we are expanding our hours by special demand. So if you need an appointment outside of our standard adjusting hours, when I can I will absolutely help. We will also have more dietitian and mobility inspired workshops & events to help you move and feel even better.

We’d love it if you would post your goals or your unique big magic that you are going to unleash, either on our Facebook or even declare it with our staff in the office.