Bringing balance into your body boosts brain and body health & performance. Balance is a skill that we need and if you don’t use it you lose it.

So, how do we train balance?

Train balance by starting with a simple movement, one that you’re comfortable with, then progress and challenge yourself from there.

Exercise 1: Balance on one leg

Once you have mastered the first exercise, move on to exercise # 2.

Exercise 2: Balance on one leg with fingertip pressure on wall

Exercise 3: Balancing on one leg with no wall support.

Mastered the first 3 exercises?

Great! Time to make it more complicated.

Step 1: Calf raise on one leg

Step 2 : Balance on one leg with eyes closed

Step 3: Balance with a squat and toe touch

When you are comfortable with the balance exercises, move on to our recommended strength exercises here.