
Persistence, Chiropractic, and the Kokoda Challenge

Want to be able to tackle your next challenge head on? 
This man walked the Kokoda Trail, and smashed it!

The scan on the left shows his muscle activity from June 2016 before training commenced- the long lines through his middle and lower back show areas of chronic muscle tension and areas both associated with recurring pain.

After commencing monthly chiropractic care to optimise his body’s alignment the results spoke for themselves; the trip was a huge success, he loved every minute and his back was strong regardless of the terrain or the poor bedding.

On return we did another scan- not only did he report feeling better & maintaining strength throughout the ordeal, but on scanning the muscle balance had substantially improved & there was significantly less pulling or spasm. The lines swap sides more frequently and aren’t nearly as long.

Congratulations on a remarkable achievement – we are privileged to help you truly show that life has no limits!