
A Healthy School Lunchbox

With the kids back at school last week comes lunchbox packing! A healthy lunchbox is important for your child to concentrate, grow and be physically active. Providing a healthy lunchbox also helps your child develop life-long healthy eating habits.

How to pack a healthy lunchbox:


  1. Main lunch item – a sandwich, roll, wrap or a salad based on grains such as rice or pasta
  2. Fruit – choose a piece of in season fruit or a tub of fruit salad
  3. Nutritious snack – choose a snack from the 5 food groups such as vegie sticks and hommus, yoghurt, cheese and crackers or a boiled egg
  4. Drink – always include a bottle of water

If your child needs an additional snack choose a fifth item from the five food groups. Occasionally it’s ok to include an “extra” food such as a muesli bar, pikelets with jam, muffins and cakes.

For pre-packaged food (as “extras”) look for the healthiest options. Read food labels before buying and look for foods that contain less than 600kJ per serve and less than 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams, and less than 5 grams of fat per 100 grams.

For more healthy lunchbox tips and inspiration visit Sasha’s facebook page  https://www.facebook.com/sashafentondietitian/