

As you begin preparations to send your children back to school, I would like to remind you that heavy, poorly fitted and packed backpacks that make our kids look like turtles can cause big health problems in children.

Health problems in children often go unnoticed with the usual, “you’ll be right” or “it looks ok to me”… However, poor posture, back pain or ‘growing pains’ don’t need to become an accepted part of everyday life for your child.

When choosing a backpack for your child, choose one that allows for even distribution of weight across the back. Otherwise the backpack can place unhealthy stress on a child’s spine.

School can be a challenging time for any child, so ensuring they are as comfortable as possible is important for their physical and mental development.

Despite the increased use of technology in schools, schoolchildren still overload their backpacks with textbooks, sports and other gear or simply do not wear them correctly.

Five simple tips for wearing a backpack:

  1. Pack the heaviest items closest to the spine
  2. Make sure to do all the zips up
  3. Secure the sternum, waist and compression strap
  4. Always use both shoulder strap
  5. Don’t wear the backpack below the hollow of the lower back

The Chiropractors’ Association of Australia worked with Spartan School Supplies and Macquarie University to research and develop the ‘Chiropak’. This durable, functional and comfortable backpack is proven to reduce the incidence and severity of neck and back pain associated with the carriage of heavy loads. Find out more about the Spartan Chiropak at www.bit.ly/CAAChiropak