Poor Mans Traction

“Poor Mans” Traction Ideally gravity has a pretty big affect on us everyday, so unless you have an inversion table at home this works pretty well and is really easy. How to do the Poor Mans Traction stretch: Crawl your hands up the wall as high as you can Lean into the wall Hold position […]

Leg Swings

Leg Swings Looking to improve restriction in your hips and lower back? Static stretching doesn’t cut it, you need to move it. Try swinging your legs forward and back in a straight line. Slow and steady trying to get it as mobile as possible. Best way to do this stretch: Brace your hand on a […]


Backstroke Do you need to increase your upper back and neck mobility? We do too! A great exercise to practise is Backstroke. If you want to get into a pool GREAT, but you don’t have to. This exercise is great for people that: stuck behind a desk if your shoulders are stuck forward if you’re […]