
Hoppy Easter & changes in the wind…

[su_highlight background=”#f5fee4″]Hoppy Easter to you all!!! I know I am a little late, but with our own little Easter bunny hopping all over the place and getting ready to crawl I may have gotten a little distracted and missed the actual celebrations… I am a little excited for the change that Easter brings and even though it is autumn, there is new life, new challenges and some adventures ahead here at Transitions Chiropractic!!![/su_highlight]


[su_highlight background=”#f5fee4″]The biggest and best news is that April brings with it some new therapists to Transitions Chiropractic. From April 9th we welcome Kate Eason from Food Defined and then from April 21st we eagerly await the arrival of our massage therapist Michelle Brace!!![/su_highlight]


[su_highlight background=”#f5fee4″]For a long time now I have been rabbiting on (Easter pun intended) about the wheel of health and how that wheel has 5 equally important spokes. As a chiropractor my main goal is to optimise the brain body connection, so the system that controls everything (your nervous system) can send and receive the necessary messages to and from your body via your nerves. Now with Kate here we can make sure that we are fuelling our engine with the best possible food because as Kate says, it isn’t so much that you are what you eat, instead it is more along the lines of “you are what you absorb and digest.” Given my battles with nutrition last year and the fact I had to resort to sending blood tests to Melbourne and the internet for results, I am very excited to bring a qualified and experienced Nutritionist into the fold.[/su_highlight]


[su_highlight background=”#f5fee4″]As for massage, well when it comes to the wheel of health surely the vehicle is going to run better when it is cleaned and polished right? Massage is brilliant and whether or not you use it as a stress relief, to decrease muscular aches and pains or to help promote better blood and lymph flow throughout the body, massage will always help you feel and function better. Michelle is great and I have had the pleasure of working with her for approximately 6 years prior to starting up Transitions Chiropractic.[/su_highlight]


[su_highlight background=”#f5fee4″]So that is the major action going on here and I am very much looking forward to it. As for the challenge I mentioned earlier, personally I am counting down as I have less than 4 weeks to Port Macquarie Ironman. I am really excited for this one, first Ironman race for over two years, first since opening our business, becoming a father etc. So just one or two changes have happened…. I have no idea what this is going to mean when it comes to racing but bring it on & after 226km I am looking forward to running down that finish shute with my son in my arms!!![/su_highlight]


[su_highlight background=”#f5fee4″]Have a great April, enjoy the last dashes of warmer weather and sunlight and we look forward to seeing you in and around the office. Who knows, if you feel like experiencing either of the new services we now offer please feel free to call and make an appointment.[/su_highlight]


[su_highlight background=”#f5fee4″]Regards & enjoy!!![/su_highlight]

[su_highlight background=”#f5fee4″]James Staciwa M Chiropract, B. Chiro Sci.[/su_highlight]



Anzac Biscuit Recipe:

Anzac biscuit

 Food defined

kate eason