
Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders

Shoulder and Upper Back Mobility- Dowel Exercises # 2

Shoulders and Upper Back Tight?

  • This time we are going on the ground
  • Hold the dowel nice a strong and far apart
  • Plant Right Arm in the ground and twist
  • Pull the Left Arm back as far as it can go
  • You should feel a stretch in the back of your left shoulder
  • Going the other way, Left Arm is pushing in the ground
  • Pull the Right Arm back as far as it can go
  • You should feel a stretch in the back of your right shoulder- you may feel a stretch in the bottom of your rib cage as well

Want to add Strength too?

  • Lying on your belly
  • Hold the dowel nice and tight
  • Lift the dowel up just off the ground
  • Keep your head up
  • Pull the dowel, slowly, down to your chest
  • Push the dowel, slowly, out until your arms are straight
  • Make sure to keep the dowel level off the ground- slow out and slow back
  • You can hold it for a count of 30 seconds- pushing out
  • You can hold it for a count of 30 seconds- pulling back

Front of your Shoulders Tight?

  • Lying on your belly
  • Hold the dowel behind you
  • Hands down facing floor
  • Lift the dowel up towards the roof
  • Hold for as long as you can


  • Turn your hands around
  • Hands facing the ceiling
  • Lift the dowel back towards the roof
  • Hold for as long as you can

There is a slightly different stretch in each of these positions- its up to you to decide which one works best for you. These stretches also add strength which will help to change your posture than just stretching alone.

Please feel free to comment, like or share to anyone you think would benefit. We would love to hear what stretch works best for you. Thanks for watching!