Lateral Carries

Balance is beautiful, yet we aren’t perfectly symmetrical. When it comes to strengthening and supporting the body, deliberate uneven heavy carries can help shift towards balance front to back and left to right. Embrace the imbalance, while doing your best to even out the scales. Walking with Weight- one side (0:32) Walking with Weight Overhead- […]

Rotation Training

Supporting Your Body It’s 24/7, 365 days and 360 DEGREES. Full spinal and body support means resisting and absorbing tension from any angle. Try some deliberate 360 degree weighted spins. They can help with: unlocking restricted movement patterns adding strength adding support priming alertness increasing concentration protection for your spine For whatever life throws at […]

Neck & Upper Back Movement

Exercise and movement are a great way to improve neck and upper back movement. Specifically increasing strength, prevent upper back hunching and reducing neck fatigue. It can potentially prevent neck pain, reduce headaches and tension. Here’s 3 great movements designed to maximally strengthen the supportive muscles of the upper neck and shoulders.  Full Length Video […]

Core Strength

Core training, a standing option Training the core. We believe your core is vital to supporting you through all moves of life. When training your core, try an upright, standing position, the way we naturally evolved. Training and firing the core muscles can provide a much more dynamic and strong foundation. It can also help […]

Lateral Movements

Inactive or Lazy Gluts? Lateral movements are key to firing glut and extensor muscles through the lower back and minimising hip flexor strain. Restoring Glut activity can help prevent: lower back pain disc problems sciatica hip and knee troubles Lateral moves are key in starting to restore the balance. Give these movements a try and […]