Posterior Pelvic Tilt – Stretching (Part 2)

Stretching and rolling your way out of a posterior pelvic tilt A foam roller has two big purposes, the first is as a form of self massage to reduce muscle tension and alleviate tension through hard working muscles. The second and what I believe is more important is how using a foam roller can neurologically […]

Posterior Pelvic Tilt – Mobilise (Part 1)

Carving out 5- 10 minutes each day for deliberate mobility practice can absolutely help reprogram body movement patterns, muscle and nerve tension. Mobility helps to change body postures and positions, especially those that we get stuck in too easily throughout each and every day.   These 4 mobilising drills are a great step in changing […]

Lower Back Tension & Sciatica

Mobility, a fantastic way to free low back pain and unlock tension. Here’s 4 ESSENTIAL MOVEMENTS for loosening and opening up the lower back. We love helping to LIBERATE MOVEMENT and optimise well being. 4 Movements to help with Low Back Pain and Sciatica Hip lateral rolls (0:32) Rocking knees towards chest (1:18) Rocking towards […]

Foot Strength and Mobility

Foot Strength and Mobility Drills- Part 2 These 3 drills will be fantastic. They are great for anyone with weak ankles, runners and people who feel they need to get their foot strength and mobility back. We believe that a strong and stable body has a strong and stable base. As chiropractors, our primary concern […]

Foot Strength

Foot Strength- Part 1 Experiencing Tired and Sore Feet? For some, this can happen at the end of a long day in heavy work shoes, walking in right constricted heels or from pounding the pavement running for hours. For others, foot pain can be at it’s worst first thing in the morning, getting out of […]

Upper Back Stability

Stabilising the Upper Triad: Upper Back, Neck and Shoulders The upper back, neck and shoulders is one area of the body that is under ever increasing amounts of pressure. Much of this literally has to do with the mechanical forces placed on this highly mobile and flexible region of your body. Hours of computer work, […]

Office Stretching

Office Stretching 101 Here are a few simple things you can do in the office to get some length back and movement while you’re stuck in a chair. Office stretching is one way you can start to better your posture and decrease those niggles and aches you are experiencing throughout the day. Neck nods Roll […]

Text Neck, Shoulder Tension & Neck Pain

Text Neck and Shoulder Tension Here are some tips and tricks to decrease text neck and shoulder tension and increase upper back, shoulder and neck mobility. Why? We spend too much time sitting, our shoulders get hunched and our head hangs forward. How do we strengthen our shoulders and neck to pull back? Y, T, […]

Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders

Shoulder and Upper Back Mobility- Dowel Exercises # 2 Shoulders and Upper Back Tight? This time we are going on the ground Hold the dowel nice a strong and far apart Plant Right Arm in the ground and twist Pull the Left Arm back as far as it can go You should feel a stretch […]

Weighted Stretching

Weighted Stretching to Increase Flexibility 3 Simple Stretches (Weighted Stretching) to Increase Flexibility If you want to increase your flexibility, simple stretching may take a very long time to see results. On the other hand, using weight or resistance to increase your mobility through your joints will loosen up those muscles a little bit faster. […]